pushkar patel


Hi, welcome to my corner of the internet! I am Pushkar and I go by thepushkarp on most places online.

I am currently working as an Applied AI Engineer at a small scale US-based startup. Before this, I worked with fullstack and infra at Samsung R&D for ~2 years.

These days, I am trying to keep up with the research and applied side of AI. My goal right now is to get really good at understanding the fundamental and seminal research in the field and dive deeper into the rabbit holes of parts that interest me.

This site is a place to keep a track of my thoughts, writings, learnings, projects and everything else that I feel I should document and share. Over time, I hope to have built a collection of cool stuff that I have learned from and which I can look back to and be proud of.

If you want to chat, build something interesting together, or hire me, you can hit me a dm on twitter or mail me at my email (click to reveal). I am open to project collaborations, part-time gigs, and full-time roles in Applied AI Engineering.

Besides work, you can find me reading, talking about etymology, running, working out, and occasionally posting thoughts and memes.

Feel free to look around!
